"The motivation to become a snooker coach comes from a passion for teaching. At the age of 18 I started a Bachelor of Education. I soon realized that I found my calling. Standing in front of the class quickly became second nature to me. It didn't take long before I expanded my passion for teaching to snooker. I got asked by the Belgian federation to help some juniors out a little bit with their game.

hen the news broke I received more and more coaching requests from players across the country. Although I had already built up much knowledge on technique and tactics, I felt the need to thoroughly educate myself even further. Therefore I took coaching courses at Sport Vlaanderen (Didier De Proost), EBSA (PJ Nolan & Brando Krastev) and SightRight (Stephen Feeney & Lee Walker). From Didier I learned everything about technique there is to know. At EBSA I developed another important competence, namely developing high quality exercises and training programs. The most recent and perhaps most influential course, Stephen Feeney's SightRight, made me realize the importance of correct sighting and alignment. I believe that more than 95% of all players could improve massively if they'd work on these crucial skills.
Beside technique, the mental aspect plays a vital role in snooker. In order to assist players in this area, I thoroughly immersed myself into sports psychology. After having studied different domains such as NLP, deliberate practice, goal setting, emotion management, self image and REBT, I decided to pay attention to mental resilience within every cooperation, regardless of the level of the player. I therefore see this as a prerequisite for performances at the highest level possible.
The combination of my own experience and the things I've learned from the best in the business, ensures that I can deal with problems that players experience in a very flexible manner. I don't believe in 'the right way'. What works for one player can be a nightmare for another. I love the fact that no cooperation is the same. This way I keep learning. I'm fascinated by this fantastic profession every single day!"

"The snooker adventure as a player begins at the age of 12. My brother took me out to a local snooker club. Believe me when I say that my life completely changed from that moment on. In my first year I quickly went from 1 practise session a week to two, three or even four sessions! When I was 13 I was already competing in the regional league. During the weekends I traveled the country, together with my mom to battle in all national junior tournaments.
In my first year of competition I managed to finish on a high. I became the Belgian U16's champion. Altough this title gave me the best feeling in the world, the biggest present was yet to come. After the tournament I got approached by Didier De Proost. who was the coach of Bjorn Haneveer (former world no. 53). He showed interest in working with me. It was a dream came true. Troughout the years he learned me everything there is to know about snooker. He helped me so much on my way through the youth series. Certainly not without success! Our collaboration resulted in multiple (inter)national titles.
When I turned 18 I decided to put away my dream of becoming a professional snooker player. Internationally snooker went through its darkest time, with only five major tournaments per season and nearly no prize money for the players. Besides, if you really want to make it in snooker you should spend a lot of time in the UK to practise. Unfortunately that wasn't possible. Therefore I decided to set a different life goal for myself: becoming a teacher. Despite the fact that the amount of practise declined, I always remained active in the
(inter)national snooker scene."

Belgian champion U16 (2x)
Belgian champion U21
Belgian champion teams
Runner-up BC MEN
Runner-up BC U16
Runner-up BC U21
Semi-finalist BC MEN (2x)
Semi-finalist BC doubles
Flemish champion U21
Flemish champion teams (2x)
Provincional champion MEN (5x)
Provincional A-ranking winner (17x)
Provincional champion teams (2x)
Provincional cup winner teams (6x)
Highest break provincional (7x)
Runner-up International Open U21
Highest break European Ch. U19
1/8 finalist World Ch. U21 (2x)
1/8 finalist European Ch. U19 (3x)
Winner Bundesliga (GER) teams (2x)
Winner Bundesliga (GER) individual